One of my driving purposes for starting The Concierge Society was that I wanted to…
Pricing is always a very sensitive issue. Most of us start out pricing too low. When…
Getting regular media coverage for your business is a fantastic to way to build your…
I started Lifestyle Elements in 2004 at the age of 23. I had no idea what I didn’t…
Ever since before I started my business I wanted to win the South Australian Telstra…
When our clients are telling their friends about us, they don’t say “give Lifestyle…
When I was a few years into my business I had a client tell me to double my rate when…
What’s your elevator pitch? Mine is “We’re a personal assistant for your personal…
Money is always a tough conversation, especially when you start out in business.…
When I started my business I was extremely conscious of not wasting my client’s time.…