
And why I think you should too.

You may have seen recently lots of posts, especially on Instagram, or the templates, resources and products I’m selling on Etsy. You may have even been one of the wonderful people who have purchased from my store!

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed learning all about selling on Etsy, creating my products, and growing my shop. As with all platforms, it always turns out there is so much more to learn that you expect! But I’m getting there, and you all out there in the personal concierge world seem to be finding and appreciating the items I’m providing.

Why did I start an Etsy Shop?

Over the last few years, especially as Covid has impacted our businesses, I have been trying to create multiple income streams. The Concierge Society has certainly been one of those, and now my Concierge Society Etsy Shop is another.

It is something I feel passionately about. We should all be striving to find multiple income streams, rather than putting all our eggs in one basket. It is something I will be encouraging my kids to do, and it is now something I want to encourage you to do.

What’s inside my Etsy Shop?

I was looking for a way to share my templates and resources to a wider everyone. Previously these were only available inside our Concierge Secret Society membership, but I get that this isn’t for everyone. Plus, there are still a lot of people who haven’t found us yet, so Etsy is a new way to do that.

At this point in time you will find:

Should you start an Etsy Shop?


Ok, well an Etsy Shop, or a YouTube channel, or training course or……it could be anything. What I’m saying yes to is encouraging you to find a way, whether as part of your personal concierge business, or outside of it, to start another business, a side hustle if you’re into that lingo.

However, it could absolutely be an Etsy shop. Do you have any templates or checklists that you use with your clients? Do you have templates or checklists you use at home? If so, you can sell downloadable digital products on Etsy! This is what I do.

You may also have products that you make. Perhaps you’ve written a book, or you are a sewer or artist! You can look at selling these items on Etsy too.

Let Me Tell You About Print On Demand

Print on demand is still quite new to me, but it is something I was playing around with on Etsy, in a different store I created with my daughters – The Bookish Sisters. Because of this, I have introduced some print on demand products to The Concierge Society Etsy Shop.

So what exactly is Print On Demand?

What it means is you create a design that can be printed on a product, such as a mug, t-shirt, hat, tote bag and so many other items!! You then list it for sale on Etsy. When someone orders, you then go and order this from one of the many Print On Demand Suppliers out there. They then print the product for you and post it directly to your customer. You have absolutely no inventory, and you only pay for the item once your customer has paid you!

Now there is a bit more to it than the few sentences that I’ve shared above. But if I have peaked your interest, I certainly encourage you to do some research and see what you find. One of my favourite resources is Be A Wolf Biz who is an expert on selling Print On Demand (P.O.D) on Etsy.

So, perhaps this isn’t the post you were expecting from me on The Concierge Society website, but I hope it has given you food for thought. You know I love supporting you to start and grow your personal concierge businesses, and hopefully this is another string you can add to your bow. Who knows – you might start helping your clients open Etsy shops!
