
7 Ideas for your Personal Concierge Blog Posts

Creating content on your website to you can share with your audience is one of the best ways to increase your profile and provide insights into exactly what a personal concierge does. It is also fantastic for SEO (search engine optimisation) and getting Google to point people your way. However, it can get difficult to continually come up with ideas for blog posts.

In this blog post, I want to share with you some of the methods I use to create content that resonates with my audience.

A lot of this comes down to “collecting”. I collect ideas, other blog posts, questions or passing comments. In the past I’ve used Evernote, Pocket, or I’ve saved them in an email folder. These days however, I keep a file in my Notes app on my iPhone with all the ideas I collect for blog posts and other content creation.

But Abbie, how do you actually come up with content?

It can seem overwhelming to come up with blog post content ideas on a regular basis. You sit down to start writing and just stare at a blank page on your laptop. This is where your ideas collection comes in so handy. Simply open it up, choose one, and start writing! However, you need to have a collection to start with, so here are 7 ideas to get you started on coming up with blog post content.

  1. Questions
    Collect the questions that clients, prospective clients, friends or family ask you. These are some of the best topics because, if one person asks the question, it is likely many others have thought of it. Answering their questions takes down one more hurdle before they decide to become your client. These are some of my favourite topics and I actually tend to lean towards creating videos to answer questions, which I then convert into a blog post by embedding it on the blog post page.
  2. Examples
    I love sharing examples of the work I’ve been doing. To make this easier, I actually embed Instagram and Facebook posts into my blog posts. That way you are providing ‘proof’ of the work you’ve done, as well as making it a lot easier to pull the post together.
  3. Guest Posts
    Don’t be afraid to invite people to write a guest post on your blog. Business people especially are looking for ways to reach a wider audience, so your website may be perfect for them. Think about topics that your ideal client would be drawn to – they don’t need to directly related to your business, but they need to be engaging to your clients or prospective clients. One way I tend to approach people for guest posts is to review the current blog posts on their website. I then email them asking permission to repost one of their existing posts on my site (this is very appealing as they don’t have to sit down and write something new). I then also offer them the opportunity to write a custom post for our website, if they would prefer. More often than not they take the ‘repost’ option, so I always included “Reposted with permission from….” on the post, and include a link to their original post. Don’t forget to ask them for a profile photo and a short bio to include at the end of the post. The bonus of doing this? They will then share with their followers the link to your site, showing that they have been featured!
  4. Respond to a news or article
    I like to also keep a collection of different news articles that I feel are relevant to the personal concierge industry and also my ideal client. I may then write a response to the article as a blog post, expressing why I do or don’t agree, my point of view, and why I feel it’s important. I also make sure to tweet the original journalist with the link, especially if it will be a positive experience for them.
  5. Relate it to the season or holiday
    Seasonal posts are always great, and can be relatively easy to pull together. Some of my most popular posts are sharing top Christmas gifts for toddlers, Grandpa, teenagers etc. I then have the opportunity to link to different businesses, and tag them on social media when I share the post – this can increase engagement and they are more likely to then share it with their followers!
  6. Give an insight into your day
    Don’t you just love “A day in the life posts”? Well I do! I like to share what we’ve been doing, how we’ve helped people, perhaps when things have gone wrong, and why we love what we do. These can be fun and can be as long or as short as you like.
  7. Reviews
    Reviews are another great idea to increase engagement and potentially connect with other businesses who may share you posts. Think book reviews, movie reviews, restaurant reviews – whatever you are interested in and what you feel may interest your ideal client. You could also invite clients, friends or family to provide a review post for you also. They are then great to share and tag on Instagram, especially if you have a great photo to go with it.

    I hope these 7 ideas have started the juices flowing! What post are you going to write first? What other ideas have you come up with? Please comment below with your ideas or your own blog post!

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